Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has formed an agreement to have exchanges between the Bells University of...
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves will leave the island for a one-day visit to Venezuela on Saturday....
Teachers Solidarity Week is expected to get underway from Saturday November 11th, and a range of activities...
More than four hundred Rotarians are expected to converge here next year for the Annual Rotary District...
Tsunamis are a real threat to St Vincent and the Grenadines So says Deputy Director of the...
SVG now offering Nigerian students tuition scholarships to All Saints University College of Medicine 

SVG now offering Nigerian students tuition scholarships to All Saints University College of Medicine
Tuition Scholarships amounting to 10-thousand US dollars will be offered to Nigerian Students desirous of pursuing studies...
The South Rivers Temporary Health Centre will be officially opened this Saturday. A release from the...