MISS PATRICIA GLORIA SARGEANT better known as AUNTY PATSY of Kingstown Park, Uptown and Paul’s Avenue died...
MRS SUSAN IDA JOAN SINSON of Villa died on Friday April 6th at the age of 81....
MR ERIC JAMES better known as ERROL of Spring Village and Layou died on Friday March 30th...
MRS METELIN LEONORA SPENCE better known as MOTHER SPENCE of Cane Hall died on Wednesday April 4th...
MR ALFONSO TERRANCE WALES better known as SLAVE of Largo Height died on Wednesday March 21st at...
MR LAWRENCE SYLVESTER JOSEPH better known as HEZ –ZY of Chester Cottage died on Thursday March 29th...
MRS LOUISA SYLVIA TESHEIRA better known as THERESA ANDREWS of Cane End formerly of New Prospect died...