MS ANELLA ISHMELENA JAMES better known as ISOLA of Mount Pleasant, Marriaqua died on Friday 22nd August...
MS VERONICA MAPP better known as LUCKY of Evesham formerly of Victoria Village died on Saturday 23rd...
MR. LEVI AUGUSTUS DAVY better known as TON – UP of Top Edinboro died on Tuesday 12th...
MR NATHAN CONLIFFE better known as PREG-GIT of Belair died on Monday 25th August at the age...
MR RONALD ANDREW MULZAC formerly of Ashton, Union Island died on Friday 22nd August in Brooklyn, New...
MRS MARJORIE SOLOMON LOWE EDWARDS of Fitz Hughes died on Tuesday 19th August at the age of...
MR ARNOLD MC DONALD better known as BROTHER MACK of Greggs Village died on Wednesday 20th August...
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