Farmers and Fisher-folk across the country now have an additional avenue through which they can access loans for the development of their businesses.
This comes as the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Cooperative Credit Union (SVGTCCU) and the One St. Vincent Group (OSV) prepare to host an Agriculture Mini Trade Fair at the compound of the SVGTCCU this Tuesday August 29th.
Marketing Manager at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Cooperative Credit Union (SVGTCCU), Melissa Yorke-Nicholls said they created a special loan-product to offer additional resources to Farmers and Fisher-folk as they seek to further provide support to Vincentians.
Mrs. Yorke-Nicholls said the One St. Vincent Group (OSV) has a wide range of machinery on sale that can significantly enhance farming across the country and the SVGTCCU wants to ensure that local farmers can access these equipment to further enhance National Food Security.
She said tomorrow’s program runs from 1pm to 4pm at the compound of the SVGTCCU and he in encouraging Vincentians out to see what is on offer at the Agriculture Mini Trade Fair for them.
Photo credit: Woman’s day