Some Six hundred and eighty-three (683) students are graduating from the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC) today (June 27).
The college is currently holding its 14th Annual Graduation ceremony at Victoria Park, Kingstown, St. Vincent.
The six hundred and eighty-three (683) students are graduating after completing various programmes at the College.
Forty-three (43) members of the graduating cohort come from the Division of Teacher Education.
Two-hundred-and-twenty-one (221) students come from the Division of Technical and Vocational Education, and four-hundred-and-nineteen are from the Division of Arts, Sciences and General Studies.
The Theme for the Graduation is: “Behind you, your memories. Before you, your dreams. Within you, All you need. Be You!”
The keynote speaker for the graduation this year is Mr. Duane Daniel, Barrister-at-law.
The Graduation Ceremony is being streamed via the college’s Facebook page.