The New Testament Church of God is strongly encouraging all, especially its members to take all necessary precautions to protect themselves their families and all those whom they may come in contact with.
In a release issued today, the Church encouraged all to follow the directives and guidelines of the Ministry of Health and other relevant authorities, stressing that all basic health guidelines should be practiced by all at all times.
The Church said it has implemented some measures at all congregations and buildings, with effect from today, as it complies with the Social Distancing recommendations as prescribed by health officials and other approved agencies locally, regionally and internationally.
The release said Pastors/Leaders of the New Testament Church of God must regulate church gatherings to guard against overcrowding, with at least a three feet distance between persons. Â Â Â Â Leaders are expected to regulate gatherings under their responsibility to a maximum of 50 persons while ensuring that the “Social Distancing” of a minimum of 3 feet is not violated.
It also directed that physical Church gatherings be limited to Sundays only. Churches with large congregations can choose to have 2 services per Sunday. It stressed that, at no time should the “Social Distancing” of a minimum of 3 feet be compromised. Â Â The release also said that no physical mid-week services will be conducted in any buildings of the New Testament Church of God or gatherings in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.