An exhibition highlighting aspects of coastal resilience is being staged at the Argyle International Airport this week.
The University of Liverpool and the Liverpool institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans, in collaboration with the Argyle International Airport is hosting the exhibition.
At the opening ceremony, on Monday, Marketing Manager of the AIA, Glenda Francois said, that in constructing the Argyle International Airport attention was given to coastal vulnerability issues and mitigating measures
She expressed her appreciation to the team from the University of Liverpool for choosing St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the AIA to host its first Coastal Resilience Exhibition.
Head of the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Liverpool, Andy Plater said, “the mission is to make coastal infrastructure and coastal communities more resilient to the effects of extreme events such as storms and hurricanes, but also long term climate change evidenced through sea level rise.”
He said the exhibition is geared at detailing some of the threats to coastal areas and the various tools used to better characterize and understand the coast, through monitoring and modeling.
The team also held a series of visits to schools here including the SVGCC, and offered a training course to organizations whose mission is to protect coastal areas.
The Exhibition is being staged at the departure Check-In area at the Argyle International Airport.