An Innovation Exposition will be hosted here later this month, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Commerce and Trade, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of St Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations.
The event is being held in recognition of World Creativity and Innovation Day which is celebrated annually on April 21st. The day is intended to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in problem-solving with the overall goal of sustainable development.
The Vincy Innovation Expo 2018 is slated for Friday July 27th, from 9:00 a.m. at the Alliance Franşaise in Kingstown. The Expo is intended to showcase a wide range of local innovations and creations spanning from the field of Science and Technology, including Information Technology, Agriculture, Engineering, and Architecture, various Arts, such as Music, Art Works, Photography, Fashion, Culinary Arts, and Local Crafts.
The Ministry said the Expo is open to persons from ages 15 to 45 years, and the innovations or Creations of participants must have a level of originality; address or solve a problem that is being faced within a community.
Participants would receive an appearance fee of US$50.00, and there would also be the further opportunity to win cash prizes of up to US$1,000.00 (1st prize), US$500.00 (2nd prize) and US$250.00 (3rd prize).
Interested persons can register at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commerce and Trade which is located on the third floor of the Administrative Centre, Bay Street, in Kingstown.
The deadline for registration is Monday July 23. The Judging and prizes for the winners will be done on Friday July 27, at the close of the Expo.