The St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Union will be hosting its Annual C.W. Prescod Memorial Lecture later today, under the theme, “Valuing Teachers, An Imperative for Sustainable Development.”
The lecture marks the culmination of activities planned for Solidarity Week. It takes place at Frenches House at seven this evening.
The speaker is Mrs Eileen Francis, retired Educator, who has served the profession for more than 30 years.
She is expected to deliver a stirring presentation on the theme as the SVGTU repositions itself for greater prospects after 41 years of struggle.
All teachers, students and members of the general public are invited to turn out in support of this event by the SVGTU.
Due to the trough system that affected St Vincent and the Grenadines last week, the Union was forced to cancel several events, including the annual Solidarity March and Rally to commemorate Teargas Friday in 1975 when protesting teachers were tear-gassed by the authorities of the day.