One thousand seven hundred and ninety one Grade Six students sat the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment CPEA Examination last Friday at seventeen centres across the country, with hopes of getting the grades needed to be accepted into the Secondary School of their choice.
The students comprised 877 females and 914 males and they sat the multiple choice papers in Mathematics, English and Science as the final component of the Exam.
The multiple choice component of the assessment comprises 60-percent of their final score and the students have all completed the first part of their assessment- the internal assessment or School-Based Assessment – and the scores and the samples of their work have been forwarded to the Caribbean Examinations Council, the Ministry said.
This internal assessment contributes 40-percent of their final score.
NBC News spoke to some of the students, who said they believe they have done well and they are relieved that their exams are over.
Many of the children also offered kind words to their peers who sat the exams today.
The results of this year’s exams are expected to be published by the middle of June.