A Workshop looking at the “Integration Disease Management of Black Sigatoka Disease” is currently in progress.
The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) are hosing the workshop.
The training workshop seeks to strengthen the capacity of Black Sigatoka Disease Management teams in the Ministry of Agriculture and banana and plantain organizations, extension officers and farmers.
Plant pathologist, Dr. Robert Power from Suriname is the facilitator of the workshop. Dr. Power has extensive experience in managing Black Sigatoka Disease in commercial banana production exporting to Europe.
The Workshop is looking at the phyto-pathological cycle of the disease, epidemiology, integrated disease management, climatic forecasting methods and measuring disease intensity with a view towards developing and sustaining robust detection, monitoring and management strategies for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
A combination of classroom, laboratory and field sessions are being utilize to deliver a dynamic programme to participants.
The classroom sessions are held at the National Insurance Service Training Room. The field sessions are conducted on the farm of Denzil Bacchus in Montreal Gardens and the CARDI Research Station in Rabacca and the Laboratory sessions at the Plant Protection Unit Laboratory.
The Workshop ends on September 4th.