Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has commended local fire fighters for their timely response to a fire which destroyed a number of Government owned and operated buildings in Kingstown on Sunday.
The old Treasury Building, the old Electoral Office and Ministry of National Mobilization were gutted by fire on Sunday.
Speaking in Parliament this morning, the Prime Minister said some workers had to be sent home from the Inland Revenue Department and Registry offices yesterday as a result of the smoke and continued effects of the fire.
The Prime Minister said it has been recommended by the Chief Engineer that the affected buildings be demolished.
Prime Minister Gonsalves said allocations had already been made in the budget for the reconstruction of a number of these buildings and this money will be used for the commencement of work on a project to redevelop the site.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister pointed out that no Ballot Boxes and election information were being stored at the old Electoral Office when the fire occurred on Sunday.
He said information has been circulating that ballot boxes and election information were destroyed at the old Electoral Office during the Fire and this is not the case.
Dr. Gonsalves said the Ballot Boxes and other election materials had already been stored elsewhere at the new Electoral Office and not at the building which was destroyed in the fire.