Minister of Housing Montgomery Daniel says the Government is moving decisively to address the issue of squatting in communities across the country.
Addressing a ceremony held in Adelphi yesterday, Minister Daniel said the Government has already made significant progress in addressing the situation.
Twenty-three residents from the Adelphi area who have been occupying lands for several years, were yesterday offered title deeds to their land, at the ceremony, which was hosted by the Ministry of Housing.
The housing lots are being offered to the residents at a cost of 50 cents per square foot.
Another ceremony for the distribution of housing lots is set to take place at two this afternoon at Spring Village opposite the Old Police Station.
This will be for residents of Fitz Hughes/Kakarta and Chateaubelair
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Housing and Land Development Corporation, Sir Vincent Beache says squatting has also led to challenges in addressing issues relating to land which was acquired for the Argyle International Airport Project.
Speaking at yesterday’s ceremony, Sir Vincent explained that some of the properties acquired by the Government for the project were occupied by persons who did not own the land on which they constructed their homes.