MR VINCENT FRANKLYN better known as VINCENT of Upper Edinboro died on Wednesday 5th May at the age of 80. The funeral takes place on Friday 15th May at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Kingstown. The body lies at the Cathedral from 1:00. The service begins at 2:00. Burial will be at the Kingstown Cemetery.
MR EDGAR WILBERFORCE FERGUS better known as FAREEN of Diamonds Village died on Tuesday 5th May at the age of 93. The funeral takes place on Saturday 16th May at the New Testament Church at Diamonds. The body lies at the church from 2:00. The service begins at 3:00. Burial will be at the New Adelphi Cemetery.
MR LEOPOLD BACCHUS better known as BERTIE of Indian Bay died on Monday 4th May. The funeral takes place on Thursday 14th May at the Richland Park Seventh Day Adventist Church. The body lies at the church from 2:00. The service begins at 3:00. Burial will be at the Richland Park Cemetery.