The Inland Revenue Department wishes to inform corporations and self-employed persons who have received estimated tax notices are reminded that payment is due on or before January 30th 2015 to avoid interest charged.
According to a release from the department motor vehicle owners whose last digit ends with the number 1 are asked to pay the motor vehicle license on or before January 20th 2015. Motor vehicle licenses ending in digit 1 paid after this date will have a 10% dine added.
All drivers who are celebrating a birthday during the month if January are reminded to have their license renewed at this time.
Employers submitting TD4, TD5 and TD^ forms are reminded that the deadline for submission is January 30th 2015. Failure to do so will render you a penalty of $1,500 per month.
Liquor license payments that are not paid for the first quarter of 2015 should be paid immediately. A fine of $20.00 is also due for late payments.