The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) will host a Consultation over the next wo days to review the draft Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures for Tsunami Warnings for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
According to NEMO, the objectives of the consultation are:
to familiarize national stakeholders with the Tsunami Protocol Development Process; to advance the development of the St Vincent & the Grenadines’ Tsunami Protocol and Standard Operating Procedures; and to identify resources necessary to ensure appropriate preparedness measures for a Tsunami
Director of NEMO, Howie Prince says the expected outcomes of the consultation are include having an increased awareness among national stakeholders of the Tsunami Protocol Development Process.
Mr. Prine said it is also intended to make recommendations for the enhancement of tsunami readiness in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and to identify the resources necessary for an appropriate preparedness programme for Tsunamis response.
The consultation will take place at NEMO’s Conference Room today and tomorrow beginning at 9am.