Persons from the various sectors who collect and analyse damage assessment data and information following the impact of a hazard, will receive some vital training here this week.
They will be attending a three-day workshop organised by the National Emergency Management Organization, NEMO, which will focus on Building and Using a National Disaster Loss and Damage Database
The workshop will be held in collaboration with the UNDP Barbados and the OECS, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNISDR), the World Bank and CIMA (pronounced Chima) Research Foundation of Italy.
It falls under the UNDP programme of “Strengthening Public Investment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean”.
The objectives of the workshop are to develop a National Damage Assessment database to capture damage and losses from the impact of hazards and to support risk identification through the systematic collection of evidence based on disaster related loses.
The workshop will take place at NEMO’s Confernce Room from today to Wednesday.
An official opeing ceremony will be held at nine this morning.