Local Service providers will have an opportunity to improve their grant-writing skills, at a one-day workshop to be hosted by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Coalition of Services Industries (SVGCSI).
The Grant-Writing workshop will be held tomorrow at the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade from 9 AM to 4 PM.
It will be facilitated by Caribbean Export Development Agency – a regional trade and investment promotion agency in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group.
Trade Officer and EPA Coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Okolo John-Patrick, said the training will improve the capacity small businesses to access funding from regional and international agencies.
The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Coalition of Services (SVGCSI) is a non-profit organization aimed to serve and represent the interests of the service providers and the Services sector.
It seeks to expose local businesses to global market opportunities through negotiations and formed alliances with its global counterparts.